6 Key Benefits Of Donating To KLiCWow

The goal of KliCwow is to put a tablet in the hands of every three and four-year-old in Clermont County. KliCwow’s originator, John Melvin, first got the idea for this program when he attended an event on Preschool Promise a few years ago. Preschool Promise is a Cincinnati initiative to make two years of preschool affordable for every child in Cincinnati.

Although the program made sense, Melvin felt that there were some barriers with making it a reality. Research into kindergarten readiness in Clermont County has confirmed that barriers like transportation and lack of program slots prevent many children from experiencing optimal early childhood learning.


KlicWow is an innovative approach to early childhood learning. The KlicWow project proposes a low-cost, easily accessible and highly interactive early learning opportunity for children from all demographics. By donating to KlicWow, you will:

  • Be part of a community project that supports a lifelong commitment to learning. There is a large and widely accepted body of evidence that tells us early childhood learning is crucial to academic success.
  • Help maximize opportunities for all children in Clermont County. Children who do not attend an early learning program are at a distinct disadvantage when they enter kindergarten. This disadvantage is difficult to overcome and often results in the child achieving lower results throughout their school years. KlicWow will help eliminate that disadvantage.
  • Support parents and educators. The program offers a proven resource that both parents and educators can utilize to cultivate curiosity and enthusiasm about learning, as well as help with individual cognitive growth and development.
  • Create positive early learning experiences. KlicWow’s tablets will be pre-programmed with interactive educational programs designed to improve language, pre-literacy, and pre-math skills.
  • Make it possible to fully embrace technology. Leaders in the field of pediatrics have done extensive studies and concluded that “access to, familiarity with and skill using mobile devices are the first steps in achieving digital literacy.” This is essential for closing the digital divide that currently exists within many low-income and minority communities.
  • Show that learning is a fun and rewarding experience. Tablets add excitement to the learning experience for preschoolers. These devices provide visually stimulating images and interesting sounds. The carefully selected apps for KlicWow tablets also offer fun tutorials that can capture a young child’s attention.

A donation of any size can have a direct impact on Clermont County and its children. If you want to be part of a community project that supports a lifelong commitment to learning, helps parents and educators, creates positive early learning experiences, makes it possible to fully embrace technology, and shows that learning is a fun and rewarding experience, please donate today!