Everything You Need To Know About The KLiCWow Project

KlicWow is an innovative approach to early childhood learning. The goal of this project is to give every 3 and 4-year-old in Clermont County a tablet. By giving every child of that age a tablet that’s pre-programmed with interactive educational programs, KlicWow will help close the digital divide and set children on a path to long-term academic success.


The project was orginiated by John Melvin. Melvin previously worked as the director of the Clermont Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Development Center. He first got the idea for KlicWow after attending an event on Preschool Promise.

After researching the barriers faced by that kind of program, he found out about an initiative from India called Hole-in-the-Wall. Once Hole-in-the-Wall put a freely accessible computer in New Delhi and left, locals (especially children) learned to use the computer with no instruction. From the seeds of that idea came KlicWow and its mission to provide tablets for the age group that can benefit from them the most.


KlicWow was carefully designed to support a lifelong commitment to learning. What a child learns from the time they’re born until the age of six has a significant impact on their lifetime academic success. The project will maximize opportunities for every Clermont County child. One of the ways KlicWow will accomplish that goal is by supporting both parents and educators. As William Bennett, the former Secretary of Education said, “if there is one thing educators can agree on, it’s this: children can do better in school when their parents get involved in their learning.”

Another benefit of the project is the ability to create positive early learning experiences. Tablets make learning truly fun for 3 and 4-year-olds. They provide visually stimulating images and interesting sounds through apps that are designed to improve language, pre-literacy, and pre-math skills. KlicWow is also designed to help close the digital divide that currently exists within many low-income and minority communities. Having access to, familiarity with and skill using electronic devices are essential first steps for achieving digital literacy in a world that’s more connected than ever before.


There are several ways you can help make the KlicWow project a success. The first is to volunteer your time. The second is to provide contributions for the Wow Pouch. This is a pouch that will be handed out with the tablets and will address the importance of children being well-rounded. You can also help by making a donation to the project. Every volunteer hour, contribution and donation makes a difference, so please consider taking action and getting involved in the community through KlicWow today!